We will be happy to guide you all around central America. And you will love it.

We are a travel agency with offices in Mexico. We are here for you since 2009. We offer a full service tours for clients all around the world in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Czech, Slovakian, ...). Our teams in Riviera Maya in Playa del Carmen are available from the very begining of your trip till the happy end. We are specialised in organising trips through multiple countries, both educational and adventurous, including golf tours or diving. Our destinations include Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Belize, Honduras Costa-Rica and Colombia. Our guiding services are available to travellers and other travel agencies, who need deeply specialised guides in Latin American states. Your unforgettable holiday is our goal.

What our clients say

Ladislav a Irena P
Peter, New York

Our story

Traveling has always been our biggest hobby. After 15 years in corporate area Me and my wife realized that we need a major change that would slow down our hectic living, which resulted in no free time and even health issues related to everydays stress. In 2005 I finally left top management and since 2006 we live in Latin America. Central american countries are astonishing, even for someone who travelled all around the world. Local cultures are incredibly friendly, Central America is the home of excellent food and what can be better than warm carribean sea with white sand beaches? Falling in love with Latin America is simple.

Soon we started a family operated travel agency in Mexico, and now we operate all around Central America. We focus on cooperation with local guides and preparing the best experience for you.

Let us know what you prefer and we will take care of it. We're ready to tailor custom tours day by day, recommend the most famous and even secret and not well known places. We're good at preparing luxurious tours for the most demanding travellers.  We're particulary focusing on gastro-experience. We will let you know which restaurants deserve your visit, which local dishes are worth trying and help you with your choice of a good Rum, Mezcal or Tequila.

Why choose us

Our work is our hobby, we love Central America and We believe that you will like it as well.
We know Central America very well, as we live here and travel through since 2008 ...
Let us know where would you like to do, what would you like to do, see or eat. We made custom tours that fits your expectations of perfect holidays.
We're good at preparing luxurious tours for the most demanding travellers in best hotels and service, as well as budget friendly holidays in cosy places, where you enjoy the culture just like locals do.
We're particulary focusing on gastro-experience. We will let you know which restaurants deserve your visit, which local dishes are worth trying and help you with your choice of a good Rum, Mezcal or Tequila.

Mexiko-Guatemala-Belize-Mexiko 4. 3. – 14. 3. 2020 (cena: 44.000 kč + letenka)
Mayské chrámy, nádherná příroda a karibské moře
Více ZDE

Magická Guatemala a přes Honduras, Belize až do Mexika
17. 3. – 1. 4. 2020 (cena: 43.800 kč + letenka)
16denní poznávací zájezd se 4 dny u karibského moře
Více ZDE

Podzimní zájezdy

Velký okruh Mexikem 9. 10. – 24. 10. 2019
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Yucatán a Chiapas 24. 11. – 4. 12. 2019
Čeká Vás návštěva džungle, pyramid i odpočinek u moře. A nádherné počasí v prosinci. Cena od 29 900 (+ letenka). Více ZDE

Mexiko-Guatemala-Belize-Mexiko 16. 11. – 29. 11. 2019
Výprava za mayskou kulturou v období svého vrcholu čítá chrámy, království Palenque, exotická zvířata i Blue hole pro fanoušky plavání a potápění. Cena od 42 900 (+ letenka). Více ZDE
